Presidents Letter April 2009 Good news! We are official! We have our “papers” and we are a chartered nonprofit organization. Our official name is “Luckey Historical Society, Inc.” Our next step is to complete the paperwork for the IRS. One of the items that we are missing is a policy concerning conflict of interest. Our conflict of interest policy has been written and will be ready to present to the members at our next meeting. It may take a couple of months for the IRS to evaluate all of our paperwork and get back to us. In the interim we need to begin serious searching for grant applications. The Fahle family book is really coming along. I have tapes of Lloyd, Dale and Charlotte all transcribed. The Fahle family tree is almost complete. I am looking forward to using my new publishing program. I have a nice collection of information on Thelma Goetz, keep your eyes and ears open for any other bits of information on Thelma that you can find. Also keep in mind the The Helm family, The Gardner family, and Luckey Churches. My current sketch is of Zion Lutheran Church. I am hoping that it turns out wonderful. I have tried my hand at drawing geese flying overhead. Oh, what fun! At our last tea, Lavada Graening brought her copies of the Grace Lutheran Church directories. These little books are full of all kinds of information that should be preserved. There are pictures of people, histories of the church and often pictures of events around our area. Good pictures of people are difficult to find. I am in the process of scanning the Grace Lutheran directories and would like any others that you can find for me to scan. I know that the Zion Methodist Church has a few directories. Another thing that needs to be preserved are pictures of confirmation classes. More good news. It has taken me over a year, but I have finally done it! I can publish to our website. I have just begun but have the Centennial book, old pictures and sketches already posted. Our web site is [] If you have time, visit us. Hope to see you – Monthly Meeting Thurs., March. 19th 6:30 at the Library Tea Thurs. April 23rd 1:30 at the Library Over and out Sally
- Rosa (Rosena Anderegg) Rothenbuhler 1866 – 1945 Making soap at 22115 Stoney Ridge Rd. Luckey, OH