Vol. 06 No. 01 Jan 2013

Presidents Letter Jan 2013

Hello out there. Hope you are all enjoying winter weather. After the heat last summer I promised that I would not complain about the cold. I am so glad to see the beautiful snow that we have had in the past weeks. Last winter was so blah.

I am in the process of sorting a lifetime of news articles, obituaries, birth announcements, etc. collected by Irma Meyer since the 60’s. Irma passed her collection on to me for safekeeping. I am finding some fun articles as well as a wealth of information. My daughter Jennifer has promised to help me with scanning. I am especially interested in scanning obituary type information. If you have information, photos, stories, etc. to share please pass them on to me. I am always looking for information to put in the newsletter.


The photos on the reverse and the text to the right are from the Toledo Blade August 1973.


A special thanks to Dick and Dave Otte for donating the Fall Festival Booth fees.


Hope you all enjoyed the holidays and the snow. Our next meeting is Thursday Jan. 17th at 6:30 in the Luckey Library. If you have not paid your 2013 dues, please send them to Ruth Rothenbuhler (our teasurer) or myself. (dues are $20).


Over and out,


