Schools located in Troy Township;
There is an error in the photo above, can’t figure out what the black rectangle is over the right hand door. This and the photo below are of the Luckey School #10 located on Krotzer Ave. North of the Township Hall. The photo below was taken in 1908, the photo above is probably taken after the photo below as trees have been planted and the water well has been dug in the front of the school.
Troy/Luckey School located on Krotzer Ave.
Two room school house #10 located on Krotzer Ave near the Townhall.
Schools located in Webster Township;
Walker School, Webster Township 1906
Walker School, Webster Township, No. 9 1897
Walker School, Webster Township #9 1905
Hager School, Webster Township #5 1897
Walker School, Webster Township before 1902